PCS Claim Reprocessing FAQs
This list reflects answers to frequently asked questions regarding the reprocessing of PCS claims.
1. Can I send in payment for my amount due?
Yes, you can. However, we will only apply the funds that remain due after the checkwrite cycle. For example: The PCS letter says $1,000 due and the Provider sends $1,000; but during the checkwrite cycle $750 was recouped from paid claims, so only $250 is needed from the Provider. Some Providers want to prepay for the entire amount. We can only apply funds AFTER the recoupment checkwrite as the claims have to be reprocessed first.
2. What if I want to send in a check for all 8 months - can I do that?
Yes, you can. However, the amount on the letter is just an estimate and the checkwrite cycle must run first before we can determine how much is remaining. If you decide to "pay" for all 8 months in advance you can do that. CSC will apply funds to the System Negative Balance after each PCS reprocessing. Once all PCS reprocessing is complete, any funds remaining on the check will be returned to the Provider.
3. What do I have to do to send my PCS repayment?
Please send a copy of the PCS letter you received and a check for the amount you wish to send. The address to send the payment is "Misc. Medicaid Payments, PO Box 602885, Charlotte, NC 28260-2885." The check should be made out to "Misc. Medicaid Payments."
4. If I send in a check for the full amount, will it prevent the claims reprocessing?
No. The PCS claims must be reprocessed to correct claims history in the system.
5. What are the 2015 recoupment dates (and could the recoupment be done all at once)?
Recoupments can not be completed until the scheduled date. For items in 2015, those reprocessing dates will be available after the 2015 checkwrite schedule has been approved by DMA.
6. Will providers receive amended 1099s for 2013 due to the PCS claim reprocessing?
No. Providers will not receive amended 1099s for 2013. This activity will be reported in the current year 1099.