Attention: Trading Partners Final Reminder: Implementation of CAQH CORE Phase III Operating Rules

This is a final reminder of the upcoming implementation of CAQH CORE Phase III operating rules. System changes associated with Phase III of the CAQH CORE standards will be implemented in NCTracks on November 3, 2014. This change will include the following enhancements:


·         HIPAA X12 835 and X12 820 transactions through the CAQH CORE infrastructure (SOAP and MIME) will be available.
·         Mailboxes used in SFTP transmissions will be restructured to create sub-folders for the 277P, 820, 834, and 835 X12 transactions, and will include functionality for users to delete files. The SFTP functionality and the X12 transaction structure will not changed.  Any existing 277P, 820, 834, and 835 X12 transaction files from prior check-write cycles will not be moved into sub-folders.
·         The naming convention of files generated for mailboxes will change.
·         NCTracks will generate the 277P, 820, 834, and 835 X12 transactions by provider number (NPI/Atypical ID) rather than by TSN.
·         The process to assign trading partner roles will be completely changed. There will be a new ‘Trading Partner Roles Page’ in the secure Provider Portal for user provisioning associated with CAQH CORE. (See the New Trading Partner User Role Assignment Process under the heading CAQH CORE Phase III on the Trading Partner Information page of the NCTracks Provider Portal.)
These changes may require technical modifications to your systems. For more information regarding the Phase III enhancements, see the Implementation of CAQH CORE Phase III Operating Rules document under the heading CAQH CORE Phase III on the Trading Partner Information page as well as the NCTracks September 3 announcement.
Updated Connectivity Guide and Companion Guides have also been posted on the Trading Partner Information page of the NCTracks Provider Portal to assist with the technical modifications to your systems.
In addition, the EOB Code Crosswalk to Standard HIPAA Codes has been updated on the Provider Policies, Manuals, and Guidelines page of the NCTracks Provider Portal.
For questions, contact the NCTracks Call Center at 1-800-688-6696.