Update to Institutional Provider Billing re: Admission Date and From Date

A change has been made in NCTracks regarding institutional provider billing to bring it in line with the National Uniform Billing Committee (NUBC) specifications for UB-04 claims. Previously, claim adjudication required that the Admission Date (FL 12) be equal to the "From" service date (FL 6) on the initial provider claim. To avoid claim denials, providers may have taken steps to ensure that the two dates matched. As of September 1, 2014, the system edits that compared the Admission Date to the "From" service date have been changed to comply with the NUBC specifications, which notes that the two dates are "distinctly different." This change will not adversely impact claim processing, but providers may need to make changes in their systems to ensure their billing practices are in keeping with the NUBC specifications for UB-04 claims.

For further information on the definition and usage of Admission Date and Statement Covers Period (From-Through Dates), see the UB-04 Official Data Specifications Manual on the NUBC website at www.nubc.org.