Common error - Missing Service Location for Rendering Providers

A common error that is being observed in many claims is the result of missing service location(s) for rendering providers.  Rendering providers must have the addresses of all facilities where they perform services listed as a provider service location under their NPI in NCTracks.  The system uses a combination of NPI, taxonomy code, and service location in processing claims.  If the address where the service was rendered is not listed in the provider record as a service location for the rendering provider's NPI, the claim will suspend with Edit 4526, holding up the completion of claim adjudication and payment. (The description of the EOB associated with the Edit is RENDERING LOCATOR CODE CANNOT BE DERIVED.)

Rendering providers can add service locations to their provider record by having their Office Administrator complete a Manage Change Request in the Enrollment Status and Management section of the secure NCTracks provider portal.  Please note that when adding a new service location, the application will also require that taxonomies and applicable accreditations be added to the new service location. The pended claims are recycled periodically and will recognize changes in the provider record that alleviate this edit.