Whatever Your Reason Campaign

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services is launching a new statewide public campaign, called “Whatever Your Reason” in English and “Cualquiera Que Sea Tu Razón” in Spanish, to encourage every North Carolinian to wear a mask in our collective fight against COVID-19. This distinctly North Carolina campaign features real North Carolina people and places and focuses on the personal reasons North Carolinians across the state are choosing, every day, to do their part to stop the spread of COVID-19. 

The first campaign television commercial, called “Whatever Your Reason, Get Behind the Mask,” is hitting the airwaves today and is available for download. Please share widely! This message and the related radio commercial, social media ads, and supporting digital display ads were informed by research conducted by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and several statewide online focus groups. Through the research, it was clear that North Carolinians have deeply personal, yet distinctly familiar, reasons to Get Behind the Mask. This campaign captures that shared sense of personal reason behind every decision to wear a mask, and it amplifies the importance of respecting those reasons in our everyday interactions with friends and neighbors, employees and customers. 

We are eager to get this critical “Get Behind the Mask” message out to every North Carolinian, and we have invested in a media buy campaign to help accomplish that goal. But there is no substitute to the power of grassroots amplification of a public service message – so we need your help! 

Please help us get out the word to every North Carolinian about the importance of wearing a mask to stop the spread of COVID-19. We have provided a full suite of campaign resources for you to use through your own organizational networks and on your own websites and social media channels. The resources, provided in Spanish and English, include: 

  • Television commercials in 30 second and 15 second video formats 
  • Radio commercials in 60 second and 30 second audio formats 
  • Digital display ads in several different sizes to be used on your websites 
  • Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter social media graphics 

Please check back regularly because we will be updating the resources page with even more NC photograph-based materials early next week! Stopping COVID-19 is an all-hands-on-deck effort and we can’t do this without your continued support. From everyone at NCDHHS, thank you. 

Whatever your reason, help get out the word!