NC Medicaid COVID-19 Bulletins #105 and #106 Available

The NC Division of Health Benefits (DHB) has recently published two more Medicaid Bulletin articles related to COVID-19:


SPECIAL BULLETIN COVID-19 #105: NC Medicaid Receives Approval for Expanded Flexibilities for Home and Community Services - NC Innovations and NC TBI Waivers

NC Medicaid submitted a second set of Appendix Ks for the NC Innovations and NC Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) waivers (for additional flexibilities during the COVID-19 pandemic) to CMS following modifications in scope and coverage during the COVID-19 pandemic. They were approved effective April 30, 2020, to March 13, 2021. Flexibility details


SPECIAL BULLETIN COVID-19 #106: Federal Relief Funding Webcast and Deadline Reminder

A webcast for the Provider Relief Fund will be held today, Wednesday, July 8 from 4-5 p.m. Also, as a reminder, the deadline for the Federal Relief Funding application to receive federal relief as a result of lost revenue or new expenses relating to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency) is July 20, 2020. Webcast registration details and Federal Relief Funding criteria.


All bulletin articles, including those related to COVID-19, are available on the DHB webpage.