A Message from NCTracks on Behalf of NC Medicaid Immunizations and Keeping Kids Well: Trends and COVID-19 Webinar on October 15

Please tune in to the first webinar in the Clinical Quality Series on Thursday, October 15 at 5:30 p.m. Hosted by Chief Medical Officer of the NC Division of Health Benefits Shannon Dowler, MD, and Tom Wroth, MD, CEO, Community Care of North Carolina, the webinar will review pediatric immunization trends during the COVID-19 public health emergency. Agenda items include:

  • What does the data tell us about vaccines?
  • Getting kids back to school
  • Advanced planning for possible vaccines for children shortages
  • Priority vaccines in pregnancy
  • Planning for a COVID-19 vaccine
  • Tips from the field on vaccines in a pandemic
  • Tools in your toolbox to close vaccine care gaps
  • Closing care gaps now will influence attribution later

Register to attend the webinar here. This webinar series, which reoccurs on the third Thursday of each month, is one of two monthly evening webinar series designed to help prepare providers, practice managers and quality managers for Medicaid Managed Care going live on July 1, 2021.