COVID-19 Medicaid Bulletin Articles 34 through 39 Now Available

The NC Division of Health Benefits (DHB) has published several more Medicaid Bulletin articles related to COVID-19:

  • SPECIAL BULLETIN COVID-19 #34: Telehealth Clinical Policy Modifications – Definitions, Eligible Providers, Services and Codes
  • SPECIAL BULLETIN COVID-19 #35: Telehealth Clinical Policy Modifications – Enhanced Behavioral Services
  • SPECIAL BULLETIN COVID-19 #36: Telehealth Clinical Policy Modifications – Outpatient Specialized Therapies and Dental Services
  • SPECIAL BULLETIN COVID-19 #37: Patient Information and Support Line Available
  • SPECIAL BULLETIN COVID-19 #38: Private Duty Nursing Clinical Policy Modification – Prior Approval Status Due to Refusal of PDN Services
  • SPECIAL BULLETIN COVID-19 #39: Face-to-Face Provider Site Visits and Fingerprinting Requirements for NC Medicaid Provider Enrollment Temporarily Suspended

Providers are encouraged to review this important information at