A Message from NCTracks on Behalf of NC Medicaid White House Virtual Conversation with NC Providers on June 29

The White House COVID-19 Response Team and North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper’s Office are having a virtual conversation on North Carolina Primary Care Providers and the COVID-19 vaccination rollout Tuesday, June 29, from 4 to 5 p.m. ET.

The conversation will be an opportunity to express gratitude to North Carolina’s primary care providers for their service to their patients, state, and country throughout the COVID-19 response and vaccine rollout. Speakers will discuss the critical role primary care providers continue to play in this phase of the vaccination effort -- including through vaccine education to their patients and through offering vaccinations in their offices -- and the tools the federal government and State of North Carolina are providing to support them.

Attendees will hear from fellow primary care providers in North Carolina on innovative approaches they are taking to patient outreach and implementing their own vaccination programs. Additionally, attendees will be able to pose questions about the role of primary care providers in the current phase of the vaccination effort and the challenges or concerns they face.

Please RSVP and submit questions for the session here at https://pitc.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/WN_M1JZNYYxR6W3tGEwTRYomA.