Notification of Record Inaccuracies

NCTracks is aware that some providers have inaccuracies on their provider records. Providers are advised to check their date of birth (DOB) and social security number (SSN) on their NCTracks record to verify it is listed correctly. Errors must be corrected in order for re-verification applications to be submitted and approved.

Please note: If an owner or managing employee needs to make either of these changes, they can be changed with a manage change request (MCR) by end dating the incorrect entry and adding the entry back with the correct information. Credentialing may be required.

To change a DOB, send the following to NCTracks:

  • Letter on company letterhead signed and dated by the provider requesting the DOB to be corrected
  • Copy of birth certificate or some other form of legal identification like a passport

To change a SSN, send the following to NCTracks:

  • Letter attesting to the correct name, SSN, and DOB with the following text: “I swear and affirm that this is my social security number, [insert social security number]. Please update your records with this information.”
  • Copy of SSN card

Providers may submit documents by fax or mail; however, submission of required documents using these methods can cause a delay in processing. The preferred method is emailing NCTracks at

Fax: 855-710-1965

Mail: CSRA, Provider EVC Unit, P.O. Box 300020, Raleigh, NC 27622-8020