New Remittance Advice Fields for Hospitals and Skilled Nursing Facilities

Beginning with the February 2, 2016, checkwrite, two new fields will be displayed on the paper Remittance Advice (RA) posted to the secure NCTracks Message Center Inbox:

* Medicare Co-Insurance Amount
* Medicare Paid Amount.

These fields will be added to the RA to assist hospitals and skilled nursing facilities with submitting claims to Medicare for reimbursement of bad debt. This change will only affect the Institutional section of the RA. All other sections will remain the same.

The new Medicare Co-Insurance Amount and Medicare Paid Amount fields will be added to the RA only for claim types 'A' (Part A Institutional claims) and 'U' (Part B claims submitted on Institution claim forms.) For all other claim types reported under the Institutional section of the RA, the Medicare Co-Insurance Amount and Medicare Paid Amount field labels will be displayed with $0 amounts.

No modifications will be made to the 835 X12 transaction.

Also, to provide the additional information for past checkwrites , a one-time bad debt report will be generated and distributed to each hospital and nursing home provider for payment periods from July 1, 2013, through January 26, 2016. On February 8, the one-time report data file can be accessed by the provider using a link that will be posted to the secure Message Center Inbox. The link to the one-time report data file for a provider will be published to all the North Carolina Identities (NCIDs) associated with the NPI. The one-time report data file will be compatible to download into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.