Attention: All Providers Consolidation of NCTracks Fax Numbers

In some cases, it may be appropriate or necessary to fax information to NCTracks. To simplify the process of sending a fax to NCTracks, we are consolidating the existing numbers into the following three fax numbers:


Non-Pharmacy Prior Approval (and Carolina ACCESS Overrides) 855-710-1964
Pharmacy Prior Approval 855-710-1969
Call Center (and all other correspondence) 855-710-1965

These fax numbers are not new – they have been in use since NCTracks went live on July 1, 2013. As of July 1, 2016, the only valid fax numbers for NCTracks will be the three numbers listed above. All other fax numbers will be discontinued on June 30.

Consolidation of the fax numbers will enable requests from providers to be routed more quickly to the team responsible for acting on them. Providers who are not already doing so are encouraged to begin using these fax numbers immediately. The Contact Information document under Quick Links on the NCTracks Provider Portal has been updated to reflect the three fax numbers.

Note that when possible, it is always faster to submit information to NCTracks through the secure Provider Portal.