Update on 2014 1099s

The 1099s were printed and mailed on Tuesday, January 27, 2014. If you did not receive your 1099 by February 10, a mechanism is available to notify NCTracks using the Contact Us link found in the footer of every NCTracks web page. Instructions for submitting the notification is included in the list of Frequently Asked Questions regarding 1099s on the NCTracks Provider Portal. (See link below.) Please consult this FAQ before contacting the Call Center with questions regarding your 1099.

Providers will receive one 1099 per Tax ID per payer (DMA/DPH). For example, if a provider has multiple NPIs associated with the same Tax ID and only serves DMA recipients, they will receive one 1099.

The 1099s were sent to the “Pay To� location currently on file. The “Pay To� address is found in location 001 on the provider record. Please note that if you have multiple NPIs under the same Tax ID, the 1099 will be sent to the address associated with the most recently updated provider record.