Med Solutions to Host High Tech Imaging Webinars

Beginning the week of July 13, 2015, Med Solutions will host a series of webinars for referring and rendering providers of high tech imaging and ultrasounds.

The webinars are intended to provide helpful information to help ensure claims payments for:

(1) NC Medicaid providers who “refer or order� high tech imaging and ultrasound services

(2) NC Medicaid providers who “render� high tech imaging and diagnostic ultrasound services

Details of the dates, times, and registration process for these webinars will appear in an FAQ document to be published July 10, 2015, in the Provider Communications section of the NCTracks website found at:

Med Solutions will also be sending out emails of the FAQ document to all NC Medicaid providers who are users of Med Solutions’ Online Services Portal at (formerly providing helpful information regarding obtaining prior authorizations and claims payment.

NC Medicaid high tech imaging and ultrasound providers who wish to request a personal on-site visit by MedSolutions’ representatives may do so. Instructions will be included in the FAQ document to be published July 10 in the Provider Communication section of the NCTracks website found at