New Prior Approval Attachment for Xolair

There are several methods by which Prior Approval (PA) requests for Xolair can be submitted to NCTracks, including the secure provider portal, fax, and mail. A new attachment for Xolair has been posted to the NC Tracks website to allow prior approval for the indication of Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria. This attachment is under the heading "Xolair for Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria Temporary Attachment" on the Drug Request Forms webpage. (See link below.)

The recommended method for submitting a Prior Approval (PA) request is to key it directly into the secure NCTracks Provider Portal. Requesting medications via the portal is the fastest and most efficient method for obtaining prior approval.


To enter a PA for Xolair for Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria on the portal, complete the PA for Xolair and add the Xolair Attachment as an upload.

If you must mail or fax a Prior Approval request, use the Standard Xolair Request Form as the first (top) page and add the attachment behind it.

NCTracks Drug Request Forms webpage