CMS Wants Providers to “Share Your ICD-10 Story�

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently announced that they are looking for providers, vendors, clearinghouses, and others to share ICD-10 success stories with the health care community regarding how you are preparing your organization for the transition. It is always better to learn from best practices than re-invent the wheel. By sharing how your organization is getting ready for ICD-10, you can help others across the country prepare for October 1, 2015.

Areas of interest include:

  • Training and educating staff about the transition
  • Clinical documentation improvement
  • Coordinating with vendors to update software
  • Testing systems within your practice and with clearinghouses and health plans
  • Collaborating with other health care organizations on ICD-10

Click on this link to share your ICD-10 story.