FAQs for 1099s with Wrong Address, Deceased / Separated Provider
This page provides answers to questions about 1099s with the wrong address, as well as situations where the provider is deceased or no longer with the organization.
1. How can a provider update their 1099 Reporting/Pay-To Address in NCTracks?
To change a provider's 1099 Reporting/Pay-To Address in NCTracks, an authorized individual must submit a Manage Change Request (MCR) in the secure NCTracks Provider Portal for one NPI with the respective Taxpayer Identification Number. The change of 1099 Reporting/Pay-To Address will automatically be applied to all NPIs with the same TIN.
2. I received my 1099, but the address on it is wrong. What do I do?
The IRS has but does not use the address to process returns, so the 1099 can still be submitted to the IRS, even if your address is different. However, you should correct your address in NCTracks because this is also where a paper payment would be sent. You will need to submit a Manage Change Request in the secure provider portal to update your address. Providers are encouraged to update the “Pay To” address on their Provider record to correctly indicate where payments and financial data should be sent in the future.
3. Can I have my 1099 sent to another address?
The 1099 process has already begun and the current address in the “Pay To” location in the provider file will be used. If you do not receive your 1099 by the second Friday of February, please see question #6 for how to handle this situation.
4. The provider associated with the NPI is deceased, and we received a 1099. What are our options?
In this situation it would be best that you follow IRS guidelines and send the 1099 to the provider’s estate or administrator.
5. I received a 1099 for a provider who did not work with our group last year. What do I do?
If you receive a 1099 for a provider who did not work with your group last year, please return the 1099 to CSRA, P.O. Box 300009, Raleigh, NC, 27622-8009.
6. Will B-Notices be sent this year?
When NCTracks is in receipt of the IRS file B-Notices will then be sent to those providers that need to make adjustments to their provider profile. For further information, please refer to the General Receiving, Missing, or Past Years 1099 FAQs #8.