Update on New Provider Taxonomy CBT Course

An announcement was recently posted regarding the new Provider Taxonomy CBT course. (See link below.) The eLearning module explains what a taxonomy is, how to view a Provider’s taxonomy and how to add a Provider Taxonomy in the NCTracks system.

The course is now available in SkillPort, the NCTracks Learning Management System. Providers may have received an email directly from SkillPort about the course, however the link provided in the email is not working for all providers. To register for the Provider Taxonomy CBT course, please follow the instructions below:

Logon to the secure NCTracks Provider Portal and click Provider Training to access SkillPort. The "NCTracks and Taxonomy" CBT course can be found in the General folder under CBTs. Refer to the Provider Training page of the public Provider Portal for instructions on how to use SkillPort. (See link below.)