Reminder re: FAQs and Forms to Update Office Administrator

There are several Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the NCTracks Provider Portal related to updating Office Administrator information. Each FAQ on the NCTracks User Setup & Maintenance FAQ page (see link below) addresses a different situation in which information may need to be changed regarding the Office Administrator of a provider organization.

NCTracks User Setup & Maintenance FAQ page

The FAQs are:

  • I have forgotten my Office Administrator password and I am unable to answer my security question to reset my password. What do I do?
  • The Office Administrator is no longer available and I am unable to access the NCTracks provider record - Individual Providers
  • The Office Administrator is no longer available and I am unable to access the NCTracks provider record - Organization Providers

Each of the FAQs has a different form associated with it, which is linked to from the FAQ. The forms can also be found on the Provider Policies, Manuals and Guidelines page.