Reminder to Check Eligibility Later in the Day

Recipient eligibility information in NCTracks is updated from NCFAST and the volume is greater at the end of the month. The transfer of information about recipient eligibility often isn’t completed until the end of the first day of the month, and sometimes not until the middle of the second day. If eligibility is being renewed or extended at the end of the month, the new eligibility may not yet be in NCTracks.

Many providers check eligibility at the first of the month for the beneficiaries they expect to see that month. The N.C. Division of Health and Human Services (DHHS) recommends checking eligibility on the first couple of days of the month only for beneficiaries who need services specifically on those days.

For an emergency, contact the Eligibility Information System (EIS) staff at DHHS at 1-919-855-4000.