Address Validation Error in Manage Change Request Can Now Be Overridden

In submitting a Manage Change Request or new enrollment in the secure Provider Portal, the system validates the address against the Pitney Bowes application used by the U.S. Postal Service. This validation is important for accurate claim editing and adjudication on site locations where services are rendered. However, some providers were experiencing a situation in which the system displayed an error indicating that the provider address was invalid, even though the address was accurate. Therefore, those affected providers were unable to proceed with the Manage Change Request or new enrollment. A new feature has been added to the process which now allows a provider to override the error by attesting to the validity of the address. This feature will allow those affected providers to proceed with submitting their Manage Change Requests or new enrollment.

This feature is available for the following address updates:

  • Addresses Page - Primary address and Servicing addresses only
  • Preventive Ancillary Services Page - Lab addresses
  • EFT page - Bank address
  • Ownership Info Page - Owner's address

It is important to note that this bypass feature is NOT available for the following addresses:

  • Pay-to and Correspondence Addresses: When the address is not found upon clicking the “Verify Address” button, the Provider will not be able to continue.

An updated version of the User Guide "How to Change the Primary Physical Address in NCTracks" has been posted to the Provider User Guides and Training page of the Provider Portal.