Updated FAQs Now Available about New Information Required in Applications for Individual Providers

Updates to FAQ pages have been made in accordance with the previously announced upcoming change to the NCTracks system regarding new information being required in applications for individual providers. These pages now have updated and additional/new FAQs:

  • Common Enrollment Application Issues FAQs
  • Provider Enrollment FAQs
  • Provider Re-credentialing/Re-verification FAQs
  • Ordering, Prescribing, Rendering or Referring Provider (OPR) FAQs          

These FAQ pages also now include links to:

  • Sample Individual Provider Agreement
  • Full list of Exclusion Sanction Questions
  • Preview of the new Provider Supplemental Information page and its questions

In addition, several resources are also now available to you for more details on the upcoming changes: 

  • Training schedule for courses in July on new information being required in applications for individual providers
  • Recent announcement with more details on new information required in applications for individual providers
  • Initial announcement with overview of changes
  • Sample Individual Provider Agreement (PDF) - available as a PDF under Quick Links on the Providers home page
  • New FAQ page, NCTracks Provider Data Collection FAQs with an extensive list of common provider questions. This page also includes links to:
    • Sample Individual Provider Agreement
    • Full list of Exclusion Sanction Questions
    • Preview of the new Provider Supplemental Information page and its questions

More resources will be available soon, including updated user guides and job aids and more. For the most current updates including resources and training, please check back on the NCTracks website and read NCTracks email updates when available. To subscribe to NCTracks emails, click on the link under the heading “Sign Up for NCTracks Communications” on the NCTracks Provider Communications page or text NCTRACKS to 22828 and follow the prompts.





