NC Medicaid COVID-19 Bulletins #91 and #92 Available

The NC Division of Health Benefits (DHB) has recently published two more Medicaid Bulletin articles related to COVID-19:

SPECIAL BULLETIN COVID-19 #91: Federal Provider Relief Fund: Guidance on How to Access "General Distribution" Funds

Congress created a $175 billion Provider Relief Fund to support providers as they deal with COVID-19. Recently, the federal Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) began distribution of the first $50 billion of this fund—through the so-called “General Distribution” mechanism—for providers who billed Medicare in 2019. How to access these funds

SPECIAL BULLETIN COVID-19 #92: Coronavirus (COVID-19) EviCore Chest Computed Tomography (CT) Auto-Approval Ending May 31, 2020

Effective Sunday, May 31, 2020, NC Medicaid is terminating the auto approval for lung imaging requested through EviCore, NC Medicaid’s contracted vendor for imaging services. More information