NC Medicaid COVID-19 Bulletin Article Summary #83-85

The NC Division of Health Benefits (DHB) has recently published Medicaid Bulletin articles related to COVID-19. Below are exerts or summaries of some of the most recent articles and links for more details. All articles may be found on the DHB website.


SPECIAL BULLETIN COVID-19 #83: Title II Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 Rehabilitation Act (RA) Protections during the COVID-19 Pandemic

On March 28, 2020, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Civil Rights (OCR) issued the Bulletin "Civil Rights, HIPAA, and the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)." OCR remains in close coordination with federal partners to help ensure that the nation’s response effectively addresses the needs of at-risk populations. To this end and as resources allow, government officials, health care providers, and covered entities should not overlook their obligations under federal civil rights laws to help ensure all segments of the community are served. See details


SPECIAL BULLETIN COVID-19 #84: Telehealth and Virtual Patient Communications Clinical Policy Modifications – Maternal Support Services Provided by Local Health Departments

This Bulletin temporarily enables eligible local health departments to deliver maternal support services via telemedicine in light of social distancing measures that may prevent in-person visits. NC Medicaid has eliminated the restriction that telehealth services cannot be conducted via “video cell phone interactions.” More information


SPECIAL BULLETIN COVID-19 #85: New Legislation Extends Connection Date to State Health Information Exchange - NC HealthConnex

All providers required to connect and submit data by June 1, 2020, according to House Bill 70/Session Law 2019-23, have been granted an extension and shall begin submitting demographic and clinical data by Oct. 1, 2021. In addition, all providers who have shown a good faith effort to connect to NC HealthConnex and have a valid participation agreement on file will also have a connection deadline of Oct. 1, 2021. Read more