Individual Providers Must Enter Current Employment in Work History

As previously announced, individual providers (excluding disaster relief and Out-of-State Lite providers) are required to enter their work history when completing an Initial Enrollment, Re-verification, or Re-enrollment Application. Providers should list their current employment in this history with the applicable start date and an end date of 12/31/9999 (regardless of anticipated end date). These application types require at least one employment entry with this end date.

Providers who have already completed one of these applications and did not list their current employment with an end date of 12/31/9999 will not be affected, but should enter this at their next re-verification (or re-enrollment if terminated).


Resources and More Information

Additionally, providers are encouraged to take advantage of the additional and updated resources regarding New Information Required in Applications for Individual Providers:

Newly updated provider user guides including details on application updates are available on the User Guides & Fact Sheets training page:

  • How to add or update accreditation on the Provider Profile in NCTracks
  • How to complete re-verification in NCTracks 
  • How to enroll in NC Medicaid as an Individual
  • Changes to Individual Provider Application process (available on Provider Training Tool Kits page)

New FAQ pageNCTracks Provider Data Collection FAQs, with an extensive list of common provider questions. This page also includes a link to a preview of the new Provider Supplemental Information page and its questions. Questions are added frequently, so providers are encouraged to check back regularly.

Updated FAQ pages, including links to a preview of the new Provider Supplemental Information page and its questions:

  • Common Enrollment Application Issues FAQs
  • Provider Enrollment FAQs
  • Provider Re-credentialing/Re-verification FAQs
  • Ordering, Prescribing, Rendering or Referring Provider (OPR) FAQs      

Preview of Provider Supplemental Information Page linked on the top right of the Provider Re-credentialing/Re-verification FAQs page.


There are also many valuable training resources related to these changes accessible in SkillPort, the NCTracks Learning Management System (log onto the secure NCTracks Provider Portal and click Provider Training to access SkillPort):

Instructor-Led Trainings (ILTs):

  • PRV572 - Overview Re-verification and Manage Change Request Data
  • PRV604 - Changes to Individual Provider Application process

Job Aid (JA):

  • PRV573 – Re-verification

Participant User Guides (PUGs):

  • PRV596 - Ordering, Prescribing, Referring Provider Enrollment
  • PRV562 - Enrollment Specialist User Role, Upload Documents, Abbreviated Manage Change Request
  • PUG_PRV111 - Provider Web Portal Applications


Providers may also reference this list of published communications for more details on the new information required in applications for individual providers:






