New SPECIAL BULLETIN COVID-19 #167 and #168 Now Available

The NC Division of Health Benefits (DHB) has recently published two new Medicaid Bulletin articles related to COVID-19:


SPECIAL BULLETIN COVID-19 #167: NC Medicaid No Longer Accepting COVID-19 Response Facility Designation Requests

Due to diminished need, NC Medicaid will no longer accept new requests to serve as a Response Facility from nursing homes, effective Monday, June 21, 2021. More Information.


SPECIAL BULLETIN COVID-19 #168: Vaccination Counseling Code Reimbursement

Effective June 22, 2021, CPT 99401: Preventative medicine counseling and/or risk factor reduction intervention (s) provided to an individual, up to 15 minutes has been added to counsel Medicaid beneficiaries regarding the benefits of receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. More Information


Providers are encouraged to review this information. All bulletin articles, including those related to COVID-19, are available on DHB's Medicaid Bulletin webpage.