Ambulatory Health Care Facilities Taxonomies Now Require NC Local Health Department Accreditation

Organizational providers enrolling with taxonomy codes for Ambulatory Health Care Facilities (261QP0905X, Public Health; State or Local, or 261QP2300X, Primary Care) are now required to have a NC Local Health Department Accreditation or Conditional Accreditation. 

When completing an Initial Enrollment, Re-enrollment or Manage Change Request (MCR) application to enroll with one of these taxonomies, providers must add their NC Local Health Department Accreditation or Conditional Accreditation on the Accreditation Page of the application. 

Providers with one or both of these taxonomies currently active on their record will be required to add the NC Local Health Department Accreditation or Conditional Accreditation at the time of revalidation.

More information is available on the NC Local Health Department Accreditation Program website.





















