NCTracks Tip #4: Message Center Inbox

The Provider Message Center Inbox displays messages addressed to a specific provider record. The messages in the Inbox display the provider’s National Provider Identification (NPI), status, message and date. Once logged in to the NCTracks Provider Portal, the user accesses their messages by clicking the hyperlink title in the Message field. Once the user has clicked the message title hyperlink, the specific letter will display as a PDF for the user to view or print. (See the first image below.)

If a user is associated with one or more NPIs as the office administrator (OA), managing relationship (MR) or general user and logs into the secure provider portal, the landing page of secure provider portal shows five of the total messages ever posted for those NPIs. There is a link to see all messages in that section. Whenever a new message is posted to the message center for a provider, an email is also sent as a notification to the email address on file. For individual providers, the notification goes to the email address listed in the basic information section of the provider record.

Not all letters in the Message field will display with a specific title; some messages are letters, which will display with an alphanumeric title. (See the second image below.) The alphanumeric title is the letter’s identification number. Some examples of enrollment letters that use an alphanumeric title are:

  • Letter ID PG20000-R2002 identifies an incomplete enrollment application
  • Letter ID PR00630-R0630 identifies an application that was withdrawn due to inaccurate data
  • Letter ID PM00111-R0011 identifies an application that has been approved
  • Letter ID PM18000-R0089 identifies a health plan suspension
  • Letter ID PM16000-R0053 initial notice and reminder notification for reverification

The following are some of the letters sent to the Provider Message Center Inbox: incomplete notifications, complete enrollment notifications, enrollment approval notifications and notification of inactivity (request to complete maintain eligibility form).

The following are some of the letters mailed to the provider’s correspondence (002) address: addition of Health Plan notification, re-verification suspension of Health Plan notification, addition of service location, and termination of Health Plan notifications. Copies of mailed letters are also found within the Provider Message Center Inbox.