Attention: Hospitals, Physicians, Physician Assistants and Nurse Practitioners Reminder: June 1 is Deadline to Initiate Connection to NC HealthConnex

Message from Dave Richard, Deputy Secretary for Medical Assistance

On June 1, 2018, hospitals, physicians, physician assistants and nurse practitioners with an electronic health record (EHR) system must have initiated a connection to NC HealthConnex, North Carolina’s designated statewide health information exchange network.

Providers who cannot meet the deadline may receive an extension for their connection.

To request an extension, providers must:

  1. Complete and sign an NC HIEA Participation Agreement;
  2. Have NC HIEA countersign the agreement; and
  3. Begin the onboarding process to connect to NC HealthConnex.

Providers Who Do Not Initiate Connection to NC HealthConnex by June 1, 2018

Medicaid will work collaboratively with providers to comply with the June 1, 2018, deadline, and will initiate corrective action, including requiring corrective action plans, to ensure all providers come into compliance. At this time, all providers will continue to be enrolled as Medicaid providers and, as they file claims, will receive reimbursements for services and treatment of Medicaid beneficiaries.

Medicaid appreciates the many providers across the state who have initiated a connection and are making data available through the system. We will continue to work closely with the HIEA to ensure that NC HealthConnex develops to support your priorities and enable all of us to better serve patients and families.

Currently NC HealthConnex houses 4.8 million unique patient records, allowing providers to access their patients’ comprehensive records across multiple providers, and review consolidated lists of items including labs, diagnoses, allergies and medications.

Contact NC HIEA staff at or Medicaid at with questions.