2018 Health Care Provider Data Survey

Dear Provider:

Please review and respond by February 23. 2018 to this important request that relates to your status as a Medicaid approved provider. Please note: If you are a provider who participates in both Medicaid and State Health Plan, you may receive this survey twice. You need only to submit one response.

The Division of Medical Assistance (DMA) is distributing this 2018 Health Care Provider Data Survey to health care organization members who receive state funds for providing health care services on behalf of the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Information Technology, and the State Health Plan for Teachers and State Employees.

The results of the 2018 Survey will support a provision in NCSL 2017-57, which requires a feasibility study to better understand data captured in the treatment of patients based on the type of health care provider. It also could provide information for possible recommendations to adjust the Health Information Exchange (HIE) Act in the upcoming legislative session.

Per the HIE Act, all providers who receive state funds for the provision of health care services are required to connect to the state-designated health information exchange, NC HealthConnex, by certain dates in 2018 and 2019 to continue to receive payment for services provided. (See NCGS § 90-414.1 et seq.; NCSL 2015-241 Section 12A.5.(a), as amended by NCSL 2017-57 Section 11A.5.(a))

The requirement to connect currently covers health care providers such as clinicians, therapists, dentists, pharmacists, home health providers, transportation services, and so on who receive State reimbursement through Medicaid, Health Choice, State Health Plan and State grants.

Click here to complete the 2018 Health Care Provider Data Survey. The survey will be available through 5:00 pm February 23.

Your participation is greatly appreciated.

Additional Information:

Please note that NC DMA is not responsible for the content of this message or the survey.  Any questions should be directed to the NC Health Information Exchange Authority (NC HIEA), the State agency operating NC HealthConnex at (919) 754-6912 or hiea@nc.gov.