Reminder - Browser Compatibility with TLS on NCTracks

This is a reminder of an announcement posted on April 20, 2017.

Tonight, May 4, 2017, CSRA will be updating to Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 on the NCTracks website. This affects both the public and secure portals. TLS is an encryption protocol that provides heightened privacy and data integrity. A preliminary test indicates that the overwhelming majority of providers already use internet browsers compatible with TLS 1.2. For those providers, the change will be transparent. However, beginning May 5, 2017, providers who do not use browsers compatible with TLS 1.2 will receive an error message stating “This Page Cannot Be Displayed” or something similar.

Click on the System Requirements link in the footer of any NCTracks webpage to see a list of the browsers and versions supported by NCTracks. This page has been updated to reflect the requirements associated with TLS 1.2. Providers can determine the version they are currently using by clicking on the question mark (?) or Help link in the upper right corner of the browser window and selecting “About” from the menu.

Providers who use Chrome or Firefox browsers will likely not have any difficulty with TLS 1.2, assuming the browsers are set to automatically upgrade to the latest version. (This setting is the default for Chrome and Firefox, but can be changed.)

The most significant change in terms of browser compatibility will be for users of Internet Explorer. As of May 5, only version 11 of Internet Explorer will work with NCTracks. Providers who are using an earlier version of Internet Explorer will need to upgrade to version 11 or use another type of browser, such as Chrome or Firefox, to access NCTracks. To upgrade your Internet Explorer to version 11, go to the Microsoft website or consult your local technical support.