Attention: All Infant Toddler Program (ITP) Providers ITP Claims Denying for OT and PT Services

DPH Early Intervention Branch is presently aware of several ITP claims that are being denied for OT and PT services. Although providers can still submit claims for Medicaid beneficiaries, these same claims with codes 97161,97162, 97163, 97164, 97165, 97166, 97167 and 97168 will not pay when billing DPH/ITP at this time.

ITP providers should wait for further instructions before filing or refillng these claims. All providers will be able to resubmit claims to DPH/ITP from 1/1/2017 for approved OT and PT covered services once the new codes are updated in NC Tracks for DPH/ITP. Thank you for your patience.

If you have any further questions or concerns please contact your CDSA representative.