Additional Regional NCTracks Seminars Scheduled

The Regional NCTracks Seminars conducted over the last several months were a big success. In some locations, the number of interested providers exceeded the capacity of the facilities. So, based on popular demand, two additional Regional NCTracks Seminars have been scheduled:

  • Tuesday, July 18 - 2610 Wycliff Rd., Raleigh, NC (Ground Floor Training Room)
  • Monday, July 31 - 1450 Fairchild Rd., Winston-Salem, NC

The purpose of the Regional NCTracks Seminars is to help educate new providers, educate new billing staff of existing providers, and serve as a refresher for current and experienced provider staff. Each of the seminars runs from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. From 9:00 a.m. to Noon, providers receive an overview of a variety of topics including Claim Submission, Provider Enrollment, Credentialing, Re-Verification, and Provider Record Maintenance. Click here for the seminar agenda. From 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., there will be a Provider Help Center at each location with NCTracks staff from Claims, Provider Enrollment, and Provider Relations available to assist with questions or concerns. (Bring specific examples.) Registration is required for the Help Center, separate from the morning seminar, for a 30 minute block of time.

Registration for the new seminars is now open. If you already attended one of the previous seminars, please allow the people who were unable to attend to register for these new seminars. The same information is covered in all seminars.

Providers can register for the NCTracks Regional Seminars and the Provider Help Centers in SkillPort, the NCTracks Learning Management System. Logon to the secure NCTracks Provider Portal and click Provider Training to access SkillPort. Open the folder labeled Provider Computer-Based Training (CBT) and Instructor Led Training (ILT). The sessions for the 2017 Annual Regional Seminar and the Provider Help Center can be found in the sub-folder labeled ILTs: On-site. Refer to the Provider Training page of the public Provider Portal for specific instructions on how to use SkillPort. The Provider Training page also includes a quick reference regarding Java, which is required for the use of SkillPort.

For more information about the Regional NCTracks Seminars, refer to the March 10 announcement.