Guidance re: NCTracks Remittance Advice (RA)

The Remittance Advice (RA) is an important tool in understanding the disposition of claims submitted to NCTracks and payments received in the checkwrite. For providers who are new to NCTracks, there is helpful information regarding the format of the RA:

- A Fact Sheet is available on the NCTracks Provider Portal (see link below) that explains the key features of the NCTracks RA.

- An EOB to HIPAA Code Crosswalk is also available (see link below.) The crosswalk is helpful in comparing 835 transactions to the RA.

- In addition, a Computer Based Training course entitled “How to Read Your Remittance Advice� is available in SkillPort, the NCTracks Learning Management System, by clicking on the Provider Training button in the secure Provider Portal. (Access to the secure Provider Portal requires an NCID.) Refer to the Provider Training page of the public Provider Portal for specific instructions on how to use SkillPort (see link below.)

Providers are encouraged to spend some time analyzing and understanding the RA and other resources on the secure NCTracks Provider Portal.