Attention: Pharmacists and Prescribers No More Fax Forms for A+KIDS and ASAP

Effective June 5, 2015, the N.C. Division of Medical Assistance (DMA) re-instated the Off-Label Antipsychotic Safety Monitoring in Beneficiaries Through Age 17 (A+KIDS) and Off Label Antipsychotic Safety (ASAP-adults) programs. Providers are required to fill out an A+KIDS or ASAP prior authorization (PA) for any preferred or non-preferred antipsychotic medication for children 17 and younger.

Providers are required to submit the PA through the NCTracks Provider Portal or by calling CSC at 1-866-246-8505. THERE ARE NO MORE FAX FORMS FOR A+KIDS and ASAP.
For more information, refer to the clinical policy located on the NC DMA website at for any questions.


Pharmacists: Pharmacists can use an “11” in the Submission Clarification Field to override both types of PA requirements to ensure patients obtains their medications. This can only be used two times, so inform the prescriber of the need for PA. In addition, “Meets PA Criteria” may be written on adult antipsychotic prescriptions, and prescribers may use a “1” in the PA Type Code field or a “2” in the Submission Clarification field to override the PA edits. All non-preferred medication requests will require the non-preferred ASAP or A+KIDS PA to be processed. There is no override. Use the 72-hour override, (a “3” in the Level of Service field), to ensure no gaps in therapy.