Attention: Pharmacists and Prescribers New Job Aids for A+KIDS and ASAP

The Antipsychotic Safety Monitoring in Children through Age 17 (A+KIDS) and Adult Safety with Antipsychotic Prescribing (ASAP) programs are being re-instated June 5, 2015. (See the link to the May 13 announcement below.)

New A+KIDS and ASAP job aids for pharmacists and prescribers have just been placed in Skillport, the NCTracks Learning Management System. The job aids provide instruction on how to access the online A+KIDS and ASAP drug type forms via the NCTracks secure provider portal, as well as changes in the NC Medicaid and NC Health Choice Prior Approval (PA) Criteria. (The A+KIDS and ASAP paper fax forms have been discontinued.) The job aids can be viewed online, printed, or downloaded to your computer.

To access the new job aids, logon to the secure NCTracks Provider Portal and click Provider Training to access SkillPort. Open the folder labeled User Guides (reference library). The job aids can be found in the sub-folder labeled Reference Documents. Refer to the Provider Training page of the public Provider Portal for specific instructions on how to use SkillPort. (See link below.) The Provider Training page also includes a quick reference regarding Java, which is required for the use of SkillPort.

Provider questions should be directed to the NCTracks Pharmacy PA Unit at 1-866-246-8505.