NCTracks ICD-10 Trading Partner-Provider Testing

The NCTracks Team has been working for some time now to update the system for ICD-10 and User Acceptance Testing with the State is currently underway. In the spring of 2015, we will begin working with select Trading Partners and Providers in testing ICD-10 with NCTracks.

Trading partners or providers interested in participating in ICD-10 testing should email the NCTracks ICD-10 Team. (See link below.) Bear in mind there is a time commitment associated with testing participation.

Trading partners and providers will be selected to participate in testing that represent a broad cross-section of provider types. The State expects to complete the selection of trading partners and providers and notify them by mid-February 2015. Selected participants will receive an orientation and instructions regarding the testing.

The testing will focus on claim submission using batch 837 X12 transactions (all claim types except pharmacy) and/or Provider Portal claims entry (medical claims only). Trading partners and providers can submit up to 75 claims each. Testing participants will be split into two groups. One group will submit test claims in early May and the other group will submit test claims in early June. Retesting for both groups will be conducted after any necessary modifications have been made based on results from the initial testing. Each test cycle includes full claim adjudication and remittance generation.

The ICD-10 testing will be conducted in a separate test system, so participants will be assigned special NCIDs. Testing participants who submit batch 837 X12 transactions will receive an 835 X12 transaction at the end of each test. All testing participants will receive a Remittance Advice (PDF) at the end of each test. These files will be used to verify the results of each test, which will be reported to NCTracks.

With regard to test claims, if desired, testing participants will be able to resubmit claims previously adjudicated by NCTracks, after modifying them to reflect dates of service on or after October 1, 2015, and using ICD-10 codes. This will enable a direct comparison to the results observed when the claims were originally processed by NCTracks.

This is an important step in our progress toward October 1, 2015. Aggregate results from the testing will be reported to CMS to demonstrate our readiness for ICD-10 implementation.