We Heard You! Highlights from the First Wave of ICD-10 Questions

We asked for your questions about ICD-10 and you sent them. Thanks! Keep them coming.

The questions sent to date generally fall into the following categories:

Dental practices: Relax. You don’t have to worry about ICD-10. Dental offices generally aren’t affected. If you’re not using ICD-9 codes now, you won’t use ICD-10 codes in the future.
Testing: Many of you want to test your claims with ICD-10 codes in NCTracks. We will be doing provider testing in the spring. We will be testing with a limited number of providers representing all provider types, from hospitals to billing clearinghouses to nursing homes.  If you would like to participate in provider testing, let us know by replying to NCTracks-Questioner@dhhs.nc.gov.  If we need more testing with your type of healthcare practice, we will contact you.
Coding: Many wanted to know what specific ICD-10 codes they need for their particular specialty. Always a good place to start for anything ICD-10 is with the web site of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. You can find it here:
Other resources may be your professional association or your regional Area Health Education Center (AHEC).  As for what ICD-10 codes you will need for NCTracks, look for more information to come.
From now until ICD-10 goes live in October next year, you can send your ICD-10 questions and comments to NCTracks-Questioner@dhhs.nc.gov. You will get an answer personally, and we will get an idea of the kinds of information you need. The best will be shared with everyone. We’re all in this together.
Interesting Reading from EHR Intelligence
Five ICD-10 Tasks to Complete by the End of 2014
ICD-10 Coalition Urges Congress to Avoid Additional Delays